Officially the Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland) , Germany is a parliamentary democracy with five constitutional bodies, namely: the Bundestag, the Bundesrat, the Federal President, the Federal Government, and the Federal Constitutional Court. Germany is the fifth-largest country in Europe, and covers an area of 357,386 square kilometers. Germany is the most populous member state of the European Union, with a population of 83 million inhabitants. Berlin is Germany's capital and largest metropolis. Germany has a very High Development Index - 0.936. The Euro is the currency used in Germany. German is the official language. Angela Merkel is the German Chancellor. Learn more about Germany or test your knowledge about Germany with these top 20 facts. 1. Holocaust denial constitutes a crime under German law and carries a sentence of up to five years in jail. 2. Germans are generally brutally honest and straightforward - without maliciou...
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