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Showing posts with the label Lionel Messi doppelganger

Iranian Lionel Messi lookalike denies sleeping with 23 women by pretending to be the Barcelona icon

Reza Paratesh, a 26-year-old Iranian was recently accused on social media, of using his resemblance to the renowned football icon Lionel Messi, to sleep with 23 women. An article by Spanish football outlet  Marca , claimed Paratesh had slept with at least 23 women who thought he was Lionel Messi, and was reported to the authorities. Paratesh told Omasport:  “The news is spreading in the Muslim countries and it has been a disaster. "I was severely harassed because it released the whole world on me. "My family also harassed me, but the people’s attack was more influential." View this post on Instagram thanks god for allowing you to see another day ۧŰČ ŰźŰŻŰ§ ŰȘŰŽÙƒŰ± كن ی photography : @amirrezayousefii A post shared by iranian messi ( Messi Irani ) (@rezaparastesh) on Mar 5, 2019 at 9:12am PST Paratesh released a video on his Instagram page further denying the claims. â€œHi friends, a piece of false news abo...
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