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Showing posts with the label Mehmet Dalman

Emiliano Sala latest: Cardiff will pay full transfer fee to Nantes if "contractually obliged"

Cardiff City chairman Mehmet Delman says the club is still collecting information over the ÂŁ15 million ($19 million) record transfer fee to Nantes for Emiliano Sala "if contractually obliged." Sala signed for the Bluebirds in January and suffered a plane crash in the English Channel, on his way to his new club. Sala was killed in the crash , at the age of 28. His body was recovered from the seabed wreckage last Thursday but the plane's pilot, David Ibbotson is yet to be found. Afundraising campaign was launched by Ibbotson's family for the resumption of the search for the pilot . Cardiff owner Vincent Tan made a personal donation of ÂŁ50,000 to the cause. Despite a demand for the first instalment of the transfer fee from Nantes, the Welsh club is hesitant to pay as they are still seeking for clarification on the issue. "Of course, if we are contractually obliged to pay them then of course we will. We are an honourable club. But if we are not - and the...
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