27-year-old Raphael Samuel, a Mumbai businessman is suing his parents for bringing him into this difficult world without his consent. Samuel is a self-identified 'antinatalist' advocate; antinatalists believe that people should abstain from procreation because it is morally wrong to give birth to sentient beings without asking for their consent. Samuel told The Paper , “ I want to tell all Indian kids that they don’t owe their parents anything. ” “I love my parents, and we have a great relationship, but they had me for their joy and their pleasure. My life has been amazing, but I don’t see why I should put another life through the rigamarole of school and finding a career, especially when they didn’t ask to exist. ” Samuel has a Facebook page dedicated to the antinatalist cause, in which he shares posts about antinatalism. In one of such posts, he ponders, “ Why should I suffer? Why must I be stuck in traffic? Why must I work? Why must I face wars? Why must I ...
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