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25 Things You Never Knew About Cameroon

Cameroon, officially known as the Republic of Cameroon, "Africa in miniature", is a country in Central Africa. The largest towns in Cameroon in terms of population are Douala - the economic capital and Yaounde - the political capital. Cameroon is well known for its native music styles like Bikutsi and Makossa, and for its football exploits. These are other interesting things you should know about Cameroon. 1. Cameroon became an independent republic on January 1, 1960. 2. Cameroon attained UN membership on September 20, 1960. 3. Cameroon is referred to as "the hinge of Africa" and as "Africa in miniature" because of its geographical and cultural diversity. 4. Aside French and English which are the country's official languages, 230 other local languages are spoken in Cameroon. 5. Sanaga River is the longest river in Cameroon. There are two hydroelectric power stations on the banks of River Sanaga. 6. One of the m...

50 Things You Never Knew About Russia

"Russia is a riddled wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.", said late British statesman, Winston Churchill. It's time to know more about the country that will host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. As of 2015, the Russian population was 144.3 million inhabitants. The country is ruled by President Vladimir Putin, with Dmitry Medvedev serving as prime minister. The country's official name is the Russian Federation ( Росси́йская Федерaция) .  The major cities in Russia are: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The official language spoken in Russia is Russian. The Russian currency is the Russian Ruble (RUB). The following peculiarities  will make you develop more interest in Russia. 1. The deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal, is found in Russia. It is estimated to be 1,642 meters deep. Lake Baikal is also the world's largest freshwater lake (in terms of volume).  Lake Baikal is also the oldest lake in the world. 2. Russia...
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