The Internet is our largest shared global resource so we all need to participate in the creation and maintenance of a healthy Internet. There are five main determinants of internet health, namely: decentralization, digital inclusion, online privacy and security, openness, and Web literacy. Web Literacy : Everyone needs to be able to read, write and participate in the digital world. More people need to move from consuming to creating and defending the Web. Everyone should have the knowledge needed to tap into the full power of the internet and use it to improve their lives. The promoted concept of universal Web literacy emerged in response to the deficiency in web creators and defenders. This concept states that everyone should be able to read, write and participate online. Everyone needs to possess the skills required for healthy internet citizenship. These skills enable users shape the Web, keep themselves safe and/or even make a living with the Internet. Web literacy is much ...
A melting pot of reliable information on sports, entertainment, culture and health.