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15 Things You Didn't Know About China

Officially known as the People's Republic of China (PRC), China  China is an East Asian country that has a unitary one-party socialist republic system of government. The currency used in China is Renminbi [yuan; „] (CNY).  Despite being a very large country (9,595,961 km 2 ), China has a single time zone - UTC+8. China is the fourth largest country in the world by total area. The official languages in China are Standard Chinese and Simplified Chinese. China may be popular for being the most populated country in the world (1.4 billion people - 2016 estimate) but there are other unique facts about China that makes the country so exceptional. 20% of all humans are Chinese. Better said, one in five humans alive today are Chinese. Other extraordinary facts worth knowing are detailed below.   1. A dish called 'Virgin boy eggs' - eggs boiled in the urine of young virgin boys is a delicacy in China. The Virgin boy eggs dish originates from Dongyang, Zhejiang, China. T...
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