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Showing posts with the label business

Who Is An Entrepreneur?

The concept of entrepreneurship has been defined and described by many in varying ways. So who finally is the entrepreneur that everyone talks of? Research on entrepreneurship and everyday life alludes to housewives starting businesses, reinforcing the unbefitting theory that entrepreneurship is limited to small businesses. For this reason, many fail to understand that most inventions are successful only because they were conceived in an entrepreneurial way. The word entrepreneur comes from a 13 th century French verb, “entreprendre”, which means to undertake or do something. This definition has been gradually redefined by economists by giving more attributes to this definition. In the 16 th century, it was related to business. By the 18 th century, risk was added to the definition, acknowledging the fact that a business venture had no profit guarantee.  In the 19 th century, the need for skills was acknowledged in the definition. These skills are today called b...

50 Things You Never Knew About Russia

"Russia is a riddled wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.", said late British statesman, Winston Churchill. It's time to know more about the country that will host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. As of 2015, the Russian population was 144.3 million inhabitants. The country is ruled by President Vladimir Putin, with Dmitry Medvedev serving as prime minister. The country's official name is the Russian Federation ( Đ ĐŸŃŃĐžÌĐčсĐșая ЀДЎДрaцоя) .  The major cities in Russia are: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The official language spoken in Russia is Russian. The Russian currency is the Russian Ruble (RUB). The following peculiarities  will make you develop more interest in Russia. 1. The deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal, is found in Russia. It is estimated to be 1,642 meters deep. Lake Baikal is also the world's largest freshwater lake (in terms of volume).  Lake Baikal is also the oldest lake in the world. 2. Russia...
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