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20 Things You didn't Know About North America

Ready to discover amazing things about the North American continent? Here are the facts. 1. "America" got its name from Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci - Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer. 2. Canada is the largest country in North America - it has an area of 10 million square kilometers. The United States of America is the second largest - it has an area of 9.9 million square kilometers. Greenland and Mexico are the 3rd and 4th largest countries, with area of 2.2 million square kilometers and 2 million square kilometers respectively. 3. The United States of America and Mexico are the most populous countries in North America, with a population count of 318.9 million and 122.3 million respectively. 4. Mexico City is North America's most populous city with a population of over 21 million. New York City follows closely with a population of 29 million. 5. The world's largest fresh water lake, Lake Superior, is fo

30 Things You Didn't Know About Europe

Europe is responsible for most of the culture, language and technology that dominates today's world, having been a place of political intrigues and battles for years. These are 30 interesting facts you may not have known about Europe.  1. Switzerland has more banks than dentists. 2. Sweden's official Twitter account (@sweden) is given to a random citizen to manage, every week.   3. Greek is one of the oldest languages in Europe. It has been spoken for over 3,000 years. 4. In the United Kingdom, if you reach your 60th wedding anniversary or your 100th birthday, you receive a personalized card from Her Majesty The Queen. 5. Spain's national anthem, the 'Marcha Real' has no words. 6. Hamburgers get their name from Hamburg, Germany's largest city. 7. In Albania, when you nod your head, you're actually saying 'no'; when you shake your head, you're actually saying 'yes'. 8. Spain is 35 minutes away from Afri
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