In case you needed some motivation to get on your mat today or to start your yoga journey, these three reasons will boost your morale. I included the word 'consistent' in the titling of this article because truly, consistency is essential in yoga. Western science has started providing concrete proof of the improvement in a person's health metrics that accrue from being steadfast with yoga. The major benefits addressed in today's article are: increase in flexibility, increase in strength and increase in happiness.
Increase in Flexibility
At the beginning of your yoga journey, you will likely come across one or two blockages. You may be unable to do seemingly basic yoga poses (asanas) and find it daunting to hold postures briefly as a result of tightness and stiffness in your muscles and ligaments. At the beginning you may feel awkward in a forward fold because your hands can't reach your toes or foot, or be unable to do a backbend. The good news is, your body will gradually ease into these poses as your muscles loosen. Repetitive action will gradually increase your flexibility. The aches and tightness you will feel when you start practicing yoga will fade away in little time if you stay consistent.
Increase in Strength
A friend of mind recently told me he thought yoga was for women, to help them relax. That misconception is common in mainstream society, even within the fitness community. Sure, yoga provides relief and relaxation but it goes beyond relaxation. Yoga strengthens both physically and mentally. Every yoga pose targets particular parts of the body for strengthening. You'll get stronger with regular practice. At the beginning, you may be unable to hold a full plank pose, plank may only be accessible on your knees; half plank. With consistent practice, you will be able to hold a full plank pose and even do arm balances. The beauty in yoga comes from lifting and playing around with your own body weight, no extra weights needed. You may need blocks and straps to assist you in tough poses. Yoga will help tone you and strengthen every muscle in your body.
Increase in Happiness
Yoga unites your mind, body and spirit by teaching you to unite your breath and movement, thereby providing greater mental focus. Yoga postures, combined with deep breathing (ujayi breath) facilitate profound relaxation. This reduces stress and increases happiness. Deep breathing in the yoga practice also reduces anxiety. Practicing yoga will raise your serotonin levels, which will ultimately make you a happier person.
Hopefully this article will serve as an encouragement to those who are yet to embrace the ancient yoga practice, and serve as a reminder for commitment to practicing yogis. It's easier to stay committed to your yoga practice when you have purpose, when you know the benefits of doing what you do.