singer Robbie Williams may just be the first offender to host nation Russia at
the 2018 FIFA World Cup. He may have broken Russian law after flicking his
middle finger at watching fans during the World Cup opening ceremony. Russia
cracked down on the use of explicit language in the arts in July 2014 by
banning the use of swear words in the arts. Those who go against the law face
"fines of between $70 and $1,400 depending on whether they're an
individual, an official or an organization. Williams performed a few songs to
kick off the tournament then gave the middle finger during the pause of his
performance of "Rock DJ" at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow.
Angry and
perplexed football fans took to Twitter to express their disbelief. One angry
user tweeted, "Robbie Williams swearing at the camera at the opening
ceremony of the World Cup just shows you what a tactless and classless person
he is. Absolutely disrespectful and coupled with a nonchalant performance. He
won't care enough. He will still get paid millions for it." Another tweeted, "Was Robbie Williams really the right choice??" A sarcastic Twitter user wrote, "Robbie Williams has the face of a man who cannot believe that Robbie Williams is playing the opening of the 2018 World Cup." A furious user added, "Robbie Williams is such a melt showing his middle finger!" "Worst opening performance ever at a FIFA World Cup goes to Robbie Williams #WorldCup," commented another.
is liable to punishment owing to his transgression, but he just may go free
given that he was selected by the host nation for the World Cup opening