Sustainable development in Africa has always been a call for concern.
Africa is endowed with rich and diverse renewable and non-renewable natural
resources, yet its people remain among the poorest in the world (Sustainable Development Report on Africa - Managing
Land-Based Resources for Sustainable Development , 2012) . The lack of
balanced development – where economic, social and environmental dimensions are
given due consideration for sustainable development – has led the international
community to consider different paradigms of development (Dione, 2012) .
The National Strategies for Sustainable Development in Africa – A sixteen
country Assessment, complements the available resources on the sustainable
development strategic process. It
provides an assessment of the level of development and implementation of
National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSSD) in African countries
According to the aforementioned assessment, most countries are
progressively applying the principles of multi-stakeholder participation and
ownership, sound leadership, and good governance. Increasingly, ministries
responsible for planning and finance are playing a key role in the NSSD process
(Africa, 2011) .
Most African countries have developed and are implementing their National
Strategies for Sustainable Development. The amount of emphasis being laid on
the different pillars of sustainable development differ with respect to the
country concerned. Commendable progress has been made but a lot is yet to be
done. The following recommendations could be helpful in redressing sustainable
development in Cameroon:
· Assistance should be given
to African nations in developing and implementing their sustainable development
· All countries should ensure
that all stakeholders undertake meaningful participation in the strategy cycle,
from implementation to execution.
· The implementation of
national sustainable development strategies should be decentralized at
subnational levels. This will build capacity and ensure effective
· Lastly, development
agencies should work with African countries, especially developing nations in
providing blueprints to addressing their development challenges and needs.
Enhancing Social Sustainable Development in
According to the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
(UNRISD), a central aspect of the social dimensions of sustainable development
relates to social conditions and factors (social drivers) that shape processes
of change. The former identifies the following as being social drivers:
· Social structures and
institutions that shape people’s preferences, behavior, and possibilities, and
· Agency – the capacity of
individuals and groups to influence change
Here with a further breakdown of ‘social drivers’ to development:
Employment-Centered Economic Policies: Employment is the most
important source of income for the bulk of the world’s population.
Macro-economic policy needs to prioritize employment and decent working
conditions as a primary development objective (UNRISD, 2013) . Employment should not be seen as a
side effect to development strategies. The major challenge faced in the 21st
century as regards unemployment is generating employment in sectors and
production systems that do not degrade the environment, as was the case in the
19th and 20th centuries.
Social Reproduction and Care: Inclusive and sustainable development
requires greater recognition of the rights and needs of both care-givers and
care-receivers. There is need for greater investment in infrastructure and
basic social services. Pre-school facilities and school feeding programs could
also be provided to ensure optimal incomes for care-givers and care-receivers.
The challenge to optimizing social care is in forging policies that support
care-givers and care-receivers.
Equality of Opportunity and Outcome: Equality matters for both its
intrinsic value as a human right and for instrumental reasons linked, for
example, to economic growth and social cohesion (UNRISD, 2013) . Inequalities are critical for
determining how people are affected by tragedies and natural disasters (such as
climatic changes, food crises, and outbreaks of epidemics), and their ability
to respond, cope, and adapt to opportunity and adversity. Gender-based wage
gaps are a perfect illustration of inequality in the workplace.
Green and Fair Economy: The Green economy concept, when viewed
through a social lens highlights a good number of issues that generally receive
little attention during policy setting. Inclusive and participatory governance
arrangements could also foster the growth of a ‘green and fair’ economy. Rounded
green social policies are needed for the following reasons:
To and compensate the
To ease the uptake of green
jobs via retraining and education
To ensure decent work
within the green economy
To ease the participation
of rural participants, among others.
Participation and
Empowerment: These two have always been recognized as key social drivers of
equitable, inclusive, and sustainable development. Participation goes beyond
giving disadvantaged groups a voice at the table. It further involves these people’s
capacity to gain control over decision-making processes, and enhancing their
capacity to exert claims on external actors and institutions that affect their
lives. Nowadays, the international Development community is paying greater
attention to empowerment issues, but little attention is being paid to economic
empowerment of the former.
Aspirations for Sustainable Development in
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 8 in number are quite a mirror of
some of the critical sustainable Development needs in Cameroon.
To understand the needs for sustainability in Cameroon’s development, it is
essential to analyze Cameroon’s current standing vis-à-vis the rest of the
world (ROW), and especially vis-à-vis Sub-Saharan Africa. Cameroon has a
population of 22.25 million inhabitants and a GDP of $29.57 billion, as at 2013
(Bank, n.d.) .
According to the World Bank, Cameroon attained a primary school enrollment of
11% in 2012.
Statistics on Cameroon’s poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines
(% of the total population), per the World Bank are as follows: 39.9% in 2007,
40.2% in 2001, and 53.3% in 1996. This trend shows an ironic, consistent
increase in the country’s poverty levels. Cameroon’s CO2 emissions as at 2010
stand at 0.4 metric tons per capita, which is fairly better than the
Sub-Saharan average of 0.8 metric tons per capita (World Bank Statistics).
Cameroon’s life expectancy stands at 55 years (World Bank, 2012), a slightly
lower statistic as compared to the Sub-Saharan average of 56 years.
The World Bank still
categorizes Cameroon as pertaining to the Lower Middle income group. Cameroon’s
latest population census was done in 2005, 10 years ago. This leads to
questioning as regards the collection of metadata on Cameroon. The norm is for
population censuses to be carried out every 5 years, but Cameroon has already
exceeded and even doubled the required census spacing.
In response to the many challenges being faced by Cameroon vis-à-vis their
development goals, we were able to coin the following objectives for Cameroon
as blueprint for Cameroon’s development.
Priority should be given to deficient zones like: the Far North, North,
Adamaoua, and East, especially with respect to cost of education and the
effectiveness of the human and financial resource allocation.
Fostering primary school enrollment remains a critical challenge for a
developing country like Cameroon. Worth noting is the overall national increase
in primary school enrollment rates from 102.8% in 2001 to 112.9% in 2011.
However, learning outcomes have deteriorated even though they remain above
those of comparable African countries (Cameroon: Improving the Quality of Primary Education to Ensure
Sustainable Growth, 2014) .
Cameroon could also address the complex issues of food security through
sustainable agriculture initiatives. Women have a great role to play in this
domain. The following initiatives could be helpful:
Implementation of farming
and post-harvest technology
Micro-credit schemes (small
scale funding schemes)
Education of farmers
Higher enrollment into
agricultural schools
There is also the dire need to protect our forests, and other natural
resources (environmental sustainability). Cameroon’s forest covers
approximately 21 million hectares which is almost half of its territory (Support Sustainable Forest Management in Cameroon,
n.d.) .
This vast forest land is unfortunately subject to serious problems like
climatic change, increase in population, and unsustainable forest management.
Half of Cameroon’s forest cover has already been lost in 50 years (Support Sustainable Forest Management in Cameroon,
n.d.) .
A plausible solution to this issue would be to adopt strategies like ‘1 person,
1 tree’. We all know of the importance of flora to the ecological system. We
can’t survive without trees.
HIV/AIDS still remains a
threat to sustainable development in Cameroon. The following summary from PEPFAR
enlightens the state of the disease in in the country. Visit
and read for more information. Cameroon is in the midst of a generalized HIV epidemic with overall prevalence among thehighest in West and Central Africa at 5.5%. Data on incidence indicates that 51,315 new HIV infections per year. The National AIDS Control Committee (NACC) projects an increase from 560,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV) in 2010 to 726,000 PLHIV in 2020. In combatting HIV/AIDS, the following strategies could be taken into consideration:
· Better prevention of HIV
and other sexually transmitted infections
· Improvement on Cameroon’s
health systems
· Improved circulation of
information on HIV and health in general
· Enhanced support and protection for HIV infected and
affected persons
Works Cited
Africa, U. N. (2011, March). Publications.
Retrieved April 1, 2015, from
Bank, W. (n.d.). Cameroon. Retrieved March 31,
2015, from
Cameroon: Improving the Quality of Primary Education
to Ensure Sustainable Growth. (2014,
April 24). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from
Dione, J. (2012). Managing land-based resources.
Retrieved April 1, 2015, from United Nations Economic Commission for Africa:
Support Sustainable Forest Management in Cameroon. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from Green
Sustainable Development Report on Africa - Managing
Land-Based Resources for Sustainable Development . (2012). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from United Nations
Economic Commission for Africa: