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Why men are more likely than women to die by suicide

Suicide is a difficult and sensitive topic but one which must be addressed if we are to reduce the number of suicides recorded all round the world. What makes it all the more complex is the reasons cannot be fully understood owing to the nature of death by suicide. Nonetheless, we can try to understand the potential contributing factors.
Statistics reveal that women are three times more likely to attempt suicide, but men are three times more likely to die from suicide. What's more, 62% of women who are successful at suicide have made a previous attempt, whereas 62% of men who die from suicide have not attempted suicide before. Worth noting is the fact that women tend to have higher rates of depression diagnosis. In 2016, there were 793,000 deaths by suicide worldwide, and majority were men. Why then do men commit more than women? Why the gender gap? The factors addressed below try to point out the raison d'être for the "gender paradox of suicidal behavior".
Degree of intent
It is theorized that men are generally more intent on dying than women are, once they decide on suicide. Though this theory is yet to be proven, some data backs up the idea. A study of 4,415 patients admitted to hospital in Oxford following an episode of self-harm found that men reported significantly higher levels of intent than women.
Differences in Suicide Methods
Males usually resort to more violent methods, which usually result in death before any intervention is possible. Also, males tend to have more access to suicide-enabling objects. For example, in the U.S., six out of every 10 firearm owners are men, and 50% of Americans who commit suicide do so with a gun. Common choices of suicide methods in males include: use of firearms, hanging, suffocation, jumping, getting in the way of moving objects, and use of sharp objects. Females use a wider variety of suicide methods than males, including: self-poisoning, exsanguination, drowning, and use of firearms - females are 735 less likely to use firearms.
A major difference can be noted between women and men in the use of firearms in suicide. Men are more likely to shoot themselves in the head (which carries a high fatality rate) than women. Perhaps women avoid targeting their faces for fear of disfigurement should the attempt fail.
Lack of Communication
Society raises men overemphasizing the need for them to be 'strong'. In childhood, boys are told crying is a girl's thing. This conditions boys not to express emotion as it is a perceived sign of weakness. As such, men hide their vulnerabilities from themselves, their friends and medical staff.
They are also less likely than women to seek help for medical health. They often feel that help-seeking is a weakness or failure and prefer to solve their problems on their own. In the same light, men are less inclined to communicate feelings of despair, and are more likely to present a stoic attitude towards misfortune.
Alcohol dependence and impulsivity
There is a tendency for men to 'self-medicate' rather than seek medical assistance. "There tends to be more substance use and alcohol use among males, which may just reflect the distress they're feeling – but we know it compounds the issue of suicide," says Harkavy-Friedman, an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology.
Generally, men are more likely to be impulsive than women are, exposing them to rash, unexpected suicidal behavior. Some studies support the theory of men's impulsivity leading to more male suicides, others don't.
However, an indisputable link has been found between the use of alcohol and suicide. A number of studies reveal that men are more likely than women to have drunk alcohol in the hours before a suicide attempt. Moreover, men are twice as likely as women to meet criteria for alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence can worsen depression and increase impulsivity and irrationality.
A study carried out in 2015 revealed that for every 1% increase in unemployment, there is a 0.79% increase in suicide rate. An increase in suicide is usually noted 18 to 24 months after an economic downturn. The worry caused by financial stress and joblessness tends to worsen mental health issues. Those whose health insurance policies are linked to employment may lose medical follow-up. For those being treated for substance abuse or depression, this may be fatal.
Possible Remedies will be addressed in our next article in the mental health series.
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