Located in the North
Atlantic, Iceland is a Nordic island country with a population of 348,580
people and an area of 103,000 square kilometers. Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland. It contains about 60%
of Iceland's population. Iceland is geologically and volcanically active. The
form of government in Iceland is a unitary parliamentary republic. Guðni
Th. Jóhannesson is the president of Iceland, and Katrín Jakobsdóttir is
the prime minister. The currency used in Iceland is Icelandic króna (ISK).
The following facts are worth noting about Iceland:
1. The first
openly lesbian head of government in the world was Jóhanna Sigurŏardóttir - an Icelander - who was also Iceland's first female prime

2. Iceland is
the most environmentally-friendly country in the world in 2018. It boasts of an
Environmental Performance index of 93.5. 85% of the energy used in Iceland
comes from renewable energies.

3. In Iceland,
family names are not used as surnames. Icelanders carry patronymic surnames,
based on the first name of their father (e.g Annie Thorisdôttir meaning Annie, Thoris' daughter). Dôttir is the suffix added for girls and
"are" is that which is added for boys.

Iceland's Anníe
Mist Þórisdóttir - first woman to win the CrossFit Games twice
4. Raw puffin
heart is an Icelandic delicacy.

5. Iceland is
the most sparsely populated nation in Europe, with a population density of 8.3
people per square mile and less than three people per square kilometer.

6. Icelanders
are great movie lovers. Per capita, Icelanders watch more movies at the cinema
than any other country.

7. Svið (singed sheep's head) is a popular traditional
Icelandic dish. The dish consists of a sheep's head cut in half, singed (to
remove the fur), the brain removed and the head boiled.

8. Vigdis Finbogadóttir, an Icelander, was
the world's first democratically elected female president. She was elected
president in 1980.

9. Mosquitoes
are not found in Iceland.

10. The
Arctic fox is the only mammal native to Iceland. Icelandic sheep, cattle, hens,
goats and horses among others were all brought over by settlers.

11. It is
illegal to own a lizard, turtle or snake as a pet, in Iceland.

12. Iceland
does not have a permanent army. The Coast Guard patrol their waters and perform
air defense functions. Also, their police do not carry firearms.

13. In
geological terms, Iceland is the "youngest" land to be populated by
the world.

14. Iceland
is the second highest producer of books per capita in the world. 2,628 titles
were published per million in Iceland in 2015.

15. The word
"geyser" comes from the Great Geysir, which is the first geyser known
by modern Europeans. In Icelandic, "geysa" means "erupt" or