The benefits of yoga dwell beyond stretching and toning the physical body. Yoga poses, known in Sanskrit as asanas purify and heal the body. They also open the energy channels and psychic centers of the body. You can kickstart your yoga journey with fundamental poses carefully chosen from all categories (seated, standing, supine, prone).
Easy pose, sometimes called simple cross-legged pose, is a basic seated posture. Although Sukhasana is often translated as "Easy pose", it isn't all that easy. If you meditate, you can agree that sitting in Sukhasana for any length of time isn't easy and requires endurance and openness and stillness that comes from a balanced and regular yoga practice. In reality, the 'ease' in Sukhasana is that which is gotten from practicing it (a benefit), not the structure of the pose.
Sukhasana is commonly used in practicing breathing exercises (pranayama) and in practicing meditation. For yogis whose hips are still tight, Sukhasana is the alternative of choice to Padmasana/lotus pose. Regular practice of Sukhasana leads to further opening of the hips and correction of spinal alignment. Sukhasana also opens the groin and abductors (outer thigh muscles). Sitting in Sukhasana strengthens the back and stretches the ankles and knees. It is recommended for those you suffer from stress and anxiety as it calms the mind.
If you have a knee or hip injury, avoid practicing Sukhasana. Very closed or tight hips might be an obstacle to doing this pose as crossing the legs may be difficult. In such cases, practice with a modified version. Your body will ease into the full pose as your flexibility increases. To get into Sukhasana,
- Sit on the edge of your yoga mat, carpet or blanket.
- Extend your legs in front of your body, while sitting upright (in the Seated Staff Pose/Dandasana).
- Cross your legs in front of you, at the level of your shins, placing each foot beneath the opposing knee, legs folded into your torso.
- Place your hands on your knees, palms down.
- Gaze straight ahead of you, keeping the cross in each leg for a minute, or as long as desired or comfortable.
- Breathe deeply through your nose down into your diaphragm (diaphragmatic breathing).
- Use a hand mudra if you wish to.
To vary or modify in Sukhasana, place a folded blanket underneath your hip bones or knees When practicing Sukhasana, keep the following in mind:
- Your pelvis should be kept in a neutral position, which is achieved by balancing equally on both sitting bones. In a neutral position, the pubic and tail bones are at the same distance from the floor. Both sitting bones also share the body's weight evenly. To make sure that your pelvis is neutral, rock your hips side-to-side, then forward and backward, making adjustments as required.
- There is no "wrong" or "right" way to cross your legs in Sukhasana. Just cross naturally, in a comfortable way, that's why it's called "Easy pose". Other cross-legged seated poses like Perfect Pose and Lotus pose require more precise foot placement, unlike Sukhasana.
- We often forget this but it is important to alternate the cross, holding the pose for the same length of time on each side.
Easy pose can be practiced even when you are not doing a full yoga sequence. You can come into Sukhasana at any time, especially when you need to find peace. Breathe slowly and deeply, calm your mind and enjoy the ease and serenity that comes with the practice of this pose.