benefits of a healthy and regular yoga practice have been acclaimed in all
spheres of life, music being no exception. A good voice may be your natural
talent but everything good requires betterment. In order to sing well and with
ease, you need to train your voice. There are various was of training your
voice and body to enhance your singing and yoga is one of them. Adopt and
maintain a regular yoga practice to keep your body in tune with your voice.
Yoga will improve your concentration and focus when singing, make you relaxed,
and enhance breathing and posture (alignment).
Pranayama (breathing exercises) practice is vital, without breath
there is no voice. In order to sing well, you must be able to control your
breath. Ujayi breathing (victorious breath is one of the essential forms of
Pranayama. According to Wai Lana, a Hawaiian yoga teacher, Ujayi Pranayama
"tones the lungs and encourages the free and healthy flow of prana"
and helps to regulate blood pressure and oxygenate all parts of the lungs. It also
builds up internal body heat.
Alternate nasal breathing is another relevant form of Pranayama
that heals overworked vocal cords
The following asana (yoga poses) would also be helpful: Tadasana,
Dandasana, Utkatasana, Uttanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana.
How to Get Into Tadasana
Awareness could be the "magical" ingredient you are
missing, which you could achieve by practicing the Mountain Pose. Tadasana is
the foundation for all standing poses in yoga, and can hence be done by
beginners in yoga. To do the Mountain Pose,
1. Stand
with your feet together and let your arms rest at the sides of your thighs.
2. Press
your weight evenly across the arches and balls of your feet. Let your breathing
be steady and rhythmical.

4. Tighten
your knees and pull your knee caps in, contract your hips and pull them
5. Keep your
spine erect, draw your stomach in, keep your neck straight and your head and
chest in alignment with the rest of your body.
6. Stand
firm and take in a few deep breaths, be mindful and conscious of your
breathing. Pay attention to the distribution of your weight on heels and toes,
let it be even.
7. With your
eyes closed, continue breathing for 5 to 10 minutes if no other asana
accompanies Tadasana.
8. You could
vary Tadasana by practicing with your arms stretched out over your head and not
at the sides of your thighs.
Tadasana improves your singing ability by:
- Rooting
you firmly to the ground,
- Increasing
energy and enthusiasm,
- Strengthening
your spine,
- Improving
your confidence,
- Enhancing
your posture,
- Steadying
your breathing,
- Increasing
- Harmonizing
your body and mind,
- Firming
your abdomen.