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13 Interesting Facts About Menstrual Cycles/Periods

Menstruation/menarche refers to vaginal bleeding that occurs at the end of a menstrual cycle. The endometrial lining builds up throughout the course of every menstrual cycle and is shed at the end, when pregnancy fails to occur. In case you wonder why menstrual cycles are also called periods, they are called so to mean an "interval of time" or a "repeated cycle of events", and this since 1822. Here are 15 surprising facts you may not have known about menstruation.
1. There are more than 5,000 euphemisms for menstruation around the world. These are the most frequently used euphemisms for menstruation in English: Aunt Flo/Aunt Flow/Aunt, Time of the month/TOM/That time of the month, on the rags/rag/ragging, red tide/river, code red, monthly visitor, mother nature, lady friend, bloody Mary, shark week. The French say "Les Anglais ont debarqué", which translates to "The English have landed".

2. Menstrual taboo can still be observed in certain parts of the world. In areas around the Jhabua district in India, it is believed that menstruation is a disease and not a normal biological process. As such, menstruating women are not allowed to eat spicy foods, touch male members of their families, sleep on beds and enter kitchens.

3. You can get pregnant if you have sex during your period. This is especially true for women with short menstrual cycles, as they may ovulate before their period is over or within a few days after their period ends. Sperm can live in a woman's body for up to three to five days, so unprotected sex during your period could lead to conception.

4. Most girls get their first period around age 12 but in the olden days (1800s), girls would have their first period when aged 16 or 17. This change is due to positive factors such as improved health and diet over the centuries, and negative ones such as an increase in the prevalence of overweight kids, and increased stress levels.

5. An increase in sexual arousal during periods is not abnormal. Estrogen, one of the hormones that increase sex drive begin their ascent with the onset of your period. There is also a slight uptick in female testosterone levels. Both contribute to increased libido during menstruation.

6. The average female has their first period at the age of 12, and will have them regularly until menopause, or about age 51. Menopause could be defined as the cessation of menstruation. Some women experience early menopause, which is the onset of menopause before 45. Others experience premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency which occurs when menstruation stops before the age of 40.

7. A woman cannot menstruate if her fat levels are too low. If a woman's fat levels drops below 8-12%, her period will abruptly end. Studies show that a woman's body fat levels must account for 17% of her body weight for menstruation to occur. Girls aged 18 must have a body fat content of at least 22% for their menstrual cycles to be regular.

8. Menstrual fluid contains more than blood. The thick and gummy consistency of menstrual discharge is a result of the shredded uterine tissue it contains.Half of menstrual flow consists of blood, the other half contains cervical mucus, vaginal secretions and endometrial tissue.

9. It is normal to have irregular menstrual cycles until about the age of 18. It usually takes a few years of menstruation for a regular pattern to set in. Early menstrual cycles can be as short as 21 days or as long as 45. The periods become regular around the age of 18.

10. A woman's periods get worse - longer and heavier - during perimenopause. Perimenopause is the period right before menopause. The average length of perimenopause is 4 years, but is as short as 10 months for some women, and as long as 10 years for others. Perimenopause ends when a woman has gone 12 months without menstruating.

11. "Vicarious menstruation", an extremely rare medical condition, causes the affected women on their periods to bleed  from other body parts such as their eyes, nose, ears, lungs, bladder, kidneys and skin.

12. A woman's odds of contracting a sexually transmitted infection are highest during her period because the vagina becomes less acidic and more alkaline during menstruation, making it easier for microbes to survive and multiply in your reproductive tract. For this reason, unprotected sex during periods is to be avoided if a woman isn't sure of her partner's STI status. Also, your partner can easily contract an STI from you at this phase of your cycle if you have one, given that blood is a vehicle that transmits infections.

13. In 2009, an Indonesian maid in Hong Kong added menstrual blood to her employer's food in a bid to improve their strained relationship. She mixed the blood in a pot of vegetables. In some southeast Asian cultures, menstrual blood is believed to have special powers.

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