Today, we'll be taking a look at the
Emerald Isle, better known as the Republic of Ireland. In case you're
wondering, Ireland is called the Emerald Isle because of its vales of green and
lush rolling hills. These are the most distinguishing facts about Ireland:

From 1845 to 1849, Ireland experienced the Great Famine - also called the Great
Hunger - characterized by mass starvation and disease. This was caused by the
failure of Ireland's staple crop - the potato - in successive years, caused by
late blight. The disease attacks and destroys both the leaves and tubers of the
potato plant. The Great Famine resulted in at least one million deaths in
Ireland and the emigration of another one million people during the famine
years. It also caused the deaths of 100,000 people outside Ireland.

Ireland ranks second in tea consumption in the world, only after Turkey.
Ireland has a very high tea consumption rate per capita - 2.19 kg of tea per
year. Ireland is followed by the United Kingdom, Iran, Russia, Morocco, New
Zealand, Egypt, Poland and Japan respectively.

A notable invention that was done in Ireland is the invention of the submarine. John Philip Holland, an Irishman invented the modern submarine.

In ancient Ireland, sucking a king's nipples was a gesture of submission. The
nipples of failed kings were brutally cut off as proof of dethronement. This
made them incapable of holding kinship in this world and in the hereafter.

Dublin, Ireland, is home to the world-famous Guinness Brewery. Guinness is one
of the most successful beer brands in the world. Arthur Guinness founded the
St. James's Gate Brewery in 1759 in Dublin, Ireland, where he began brewing a
fairly new type of beer - Guinness - that had a particularly dark
color, derived from the roasted barley used in its preparation.

A good number of Irish names begin with "Mac", which means "son
of". "Patrick MacDonald" for example means "Patrick, son of
Donald." Those beginning with O' mean 'descendant of' in Irish Gaelic.
O'Brien for example means "descendant of Brien" or "grandson of

Guinness may be Ireland's most popular drink, but the Irish aren't the highest
consumers of the dark brew. The Brits consume Guinness the most, with the
Nigerians coming second place, and the Irish third place.

In May 2015, Ireland became the first country to legalize gay marriage by
popular vote.

In Ireland, being drunk in public is a public offence. The offender is required
to pay a fine of €100.

The world's oldest yacht club, the Royal Cork Yacht Club, is located in
Crosshaven, Co. Cork, Ireland. It was founded in 1720.
Area: 70,273 km2
4,921,500 (2019 estimate)
and largest city: Dublin
languages: Irish, English
of government: Unitary parliamentary republic
Michael D. Higgins