Cristiano Ronaldo, on Wednesday night scored an astonishing
header to give Juventus the win against Sampdoria (a 2-1 victory). He sprang
into the Genoa air night, hung in for 1.5 seconds and scored a powerful header
past the goalkeeper. In their official match report, Juventus described
Ronaldo's spring as "worthy of Michael Jordan". They also claimed his
feet reached an altitude of 71 centimeters.
Sampdoria coach Claudio Ranieri told Sky Italia after the
match, "When they score these type of goals you can only shake their
hands, those are worth the price of the ticket.
"Ronaldo did something you see in the NBA, he was
suspended for an hour and a half. There's nothing to say, only
Ronaldo was unusually humble about the goal,
saying: "I didn't know these numbers. I'm very happy to have helped
the team win. The important thing is to give Juve a hand and win titles.
"We had a good attitude for 90 minutes and it's a
deserved victory."
According to Sky Italia, Ronaldo's head reached a
maximum height of 2.56 meters as he hung in the air for 1.5 seconds.