The strength of your Cooper's ligaments and hence breast lift is determined by
the genes you inherit from your family.
Gravitational pull works against women by pulling the breasts down. Its effect
is even more pronounced in women with larger breasts.
Smoking causes a loss of elasticity in the skin as elastin is broken down,
hence sagging in breasts. Elastin and collagen are responsible for skin
Number of pregnancies:
Aging: The Cooper's
ligaments wear out as a woman gets older. This is further accentuated during
menopause as hormonal changes can alter the volume of breast tissue.

Rapid weight loss and weight gain:
Gaining and losing a lot of weight within a short space of time will also cause
a corresponding increase and decrease in breast volume, hence increased
stretching and shrinking in the skin surrounding the breasts, which translates
to sagging.
High body mass index:
A woman who has a high BMI will have bigger breasts and will therefore
experience a stronger gravitational pull and sagging.
Breast size and shape:
Women with larger breasts will experience a stronger gravitational pull and
more sagging. Smaller round breasts hold their shape better than larger breasts
or smaller narrower breasts.