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Cristiano Ronaldo opens up on rape accusations in an interview with France Football

Cristiano Ronaldo recently opened up to France Football, on the rape allegations against him in an exclusive interview (October 30, 2018). He responded with the usual candidness he's renowned for.
“Listen, I am neither going to ignore nor lie to you on this question. Of course this story is interfering with my life. I have a girlfriend, four children, a mother who is getting older, sisters, a brother, a family who I am very close to. Without speaking about my reputation, which is an exemplary one. For my team-mates, my family, the fans who support me, this story is irrelevant. I am someone who is grounded, and I know what man I am and the professional that I am. Imagine that someone is saying that you are a rapist, or that you did this or that. I know who I am and what I did. The truth will have its day and people who are criticizing me, who are “exposing” my life, who are making a circus out of it, those people will see. On that day, we will see if the people put my name on the front page of the newspapers to say that I am innocent! My family and my friends know that I am. But it is still embarrassing.”
“I explained myself to my girlfriend. My son, Cristiano Jr., is too young to understand. The worst thing is for my mother and my sisters. They are astonished and at the same time very angry. It is the first time I have seen them like this. I am the one who has to calm them down, when logically it should be the other way around. Especially my mother. She’s inconsolable. I spoke with her for a long time. I said to her: “Mum, you know what type of person you had at home. You know how you brought me up, the education and the love you gave me.” I feel the worst for her. Public opinion is another thing. There are as many people who love me as those who hate me, for who I am. I don’t care about that. But, when all of that is finished, I want to see what people say. I will put the TV on to watch.”
“I know that I am one of the most famous people on the planet. I also know that I sell things, that everything bad that is said about me is in the media, taken up again etc. Lots of people, notably from TV, have told me this. So I stay calm. But that stays here, inside me… Not only do I not miss being a nobody, but it is also not possible today. So I don’t think about that. Also, I do not want to be a normal person. I am proud of my life, of who I am and what I have achieved. My life is not difficult, when you compare it to people who work like crazy and don’t have money to pay the bills and therefore their children suffer. I am lucky, a happy man. But I don’t want my name and reputation to be unfairly damaged.”

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