Today, we're sharing
with you guys, the most fascinating facts about Romania, a country found in
Eastern Europe. In case you're wondering what Romania means, it means
"citizen of the Roman empire". If your curiosity has been stirred up,
you can proceed with the most interesting facts. We end with general facts as
1. In 1857, Romania's
capital Bucharest, became the first city in the world to be illuminated with
kerosene lamps.

2. The highest rock
sculpture in Europe is found in Romania. It is a sculpture of Decebalus, the
last king of Dacians considered to be the ancestor of the Romanians. The
sculpture is 42.9 m in height and 31.6 m in width. It is located near the city
of Orsova in Romania, on the Danube Gorges.

3. The Palace of the
Parliament in Bucharest is the heaviest building in the world. It weighs about
4,098,500,000 kilograms and contains 700,000 tonnes of steel and bronze,
900,000 square meters of wood a million square feet of marble, and 3,500 tonnes
of crystal. It has 1,100 rooms. The Palace of Parliament also happens to be the
second largest administrative building in the world. The largest building in
the world is the Pentagon.

4. Timisoara, a
Romanian city, was the first European city to have electric street-lighting (in

5. The world's
largest flag was unfurled in Romania. It weighed five tons and measured 349
meters by 227 meters, and used 44 miles of thread. It took 200 people several
hours to roll out the flag.

6. Francesco Illy,
the creator of the automatic stream espresso coffee machine, was born in the
Romanian city of Timsoara.

7. The largest virgin
forests in Europe are found in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Virgin
forests are forests that have developed exclusively under the influence of
natural factors, void of direct or indirect human influence. Romania's virgin
forests hold over 10,000 species ranging from unicellular organisms to animals.
They are home to more than 400 unique mammal species.

8. The Cimitirul Vesel or Merry Cemetery in Romania
is probably the most colorful cemetery in the world. It was designed in 1940 by
a local woodcarver, Stan Ioan Pătraș. It is
located in the village of Săpânța, Maramureş county, Romania. Each
[plot is adorned with a beautifully painted cross with a photo of the deceased
in which they are doing their favorite activity. The cross also beard the
deceased life's story and final moments.

General Facts about
Area: 238,391 sq. km
Population: 19,401,658 (2019)
Largest city:
Romanian Leu
Official Language:
Form of Government:
Semi-presidential democracy based on a bicameral Parliament
President: Mr. Klaus
Werner Iohannis
minister: Viorica Dăncilă