A video of a man licking grocery store products -
a Missouri grocery - has been circulating on social media, and has been
repeatedly shared on Twitter. In the clip, the man says 'Who's scared of
coronavirus?' before running his tongue along the shelf. He bends downs and
licks the toiletry items on the shelf while staring at the camera. The video is
captioned: 'I'm a nasty motherf****r.' The man's identity is unknown for now.
Many are outraged by the video on social media and are calling for his arrest.
Piers Morgan,
one of Good Morning Britain's hosts, aired the clip and furiously said: "This is of somebody in America, who went to a supermarket
knowing the coronavirus is attacking everyone in the United States and he did
this and posted it online.
"What I would like to happen to him is I'd like
him found, and I am sure they will get him.
"I would like him put in prison, immediately. And
then I would like him deprived of any healthcare should he then get the virus
having tried to deliberately give it to potentially lots of other people.
"That might concentrate the minds of these morons
and it might concentrate the minds of these morons we have here."
He also tweeted the video and captioned it: "Find
him, arrest him, imprison him, and deny him any healthcare if he gets the
"See how funny the disgusting little p***k finds
it when his chest is collapsing and he can’t breathe."
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