An Australian nurse has revealed that long nails
are one of the fastest spreaders of the coronavirus. In other words, vigorous
hand sanitizing and constant washing won't offer much protection if your nails are long.
To be truly safe, keep your nails short. The nurse offered some advice on how
to test your nail length on Facebook: "Among
all the hand-washing instructions and the fun 20-second song suggestions, I
haven’t seen anyone note that it is impossible to wash your hands properly if
your fingernails are long.
you can’t put your fingernails straight down against your other palm without
your nails adding too much distance to do it, you cannot wash under your
fingernails properly unless you use a nail brush every time.’
you can’t rub the very ends of your fingers against the other palm, then your
hands aren’t truly clean after you wash them, no matter how long you soap up.
‘Please, during this global emergency, keep your nails short,’ she added.
those who regularly bite their nails can easily introduce the virus in their
systems by doing that. Now is the time to take off artificial nails and trim
your natural nails short to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Spread
the word!